Meet Chrissy

What led you to start your journey and make the first appointment with Dr. Lange’s office?
I hit rock bottom. I no longer could do everyday things without being exhausted and out of breath!

Name one important thing you learned during your weight loss journey.
In this journey I learned you have to work on your mindset. Why are you overeating? And deal with the core reason. I did a lot of therapy and I was a stress eater. I can say I officially have concurred not to stress eating by learning to do other things when I am stressed. Now I go to cleaning and organizing things instead of food. But I had to realize why I was overeating and change the habit! Not an easy thing to do but very important!!! 

What is your most important achievement so far?
For me it is the little things like being able to get on and off the floor without a huge struggle, tying my shoes, and being able to share clothes with my friends!

Describe one thing about yourself that makes you feel proud.
Sharing my journey, if I can inspire or help one person it was all worth it. If I can do it anybody can!

Any other comments you would like to share?
My best advice is to remember your why. You will need it to drive you when it gets tough which it will get tough. I wrote a list of things I wanted out of my life forever. Struggling to go up and down steps, struggling tying shoes, can’t find anything to wear I am comfortable in. I had a list of 15 things I started with in a journal and as I achieved those goals I highlighted them. Now when I feel like I am having a tough day I look back at those. I am 3 years out, down 165 lbs, and 80 inches!

Meet Joe and Alicia

Alicia and I have been together over 22 years. Even though we both love each other regardless of size, we both always struggled with getting in better shape. Often, we would find a meaningful reason we needed to lose weight. We would put a lot of effort into it but ultimately fall back down and in most cases be worse than we were before we started. We tried diets, exercise, and medications. At least eight times between the two of us I can think of a point where we lost over 100lbs and regained at least that later. 

With all the up and down struggles I was on increasing doses of blood pressure medicine, had worsening back issues, kidney problems, needed a CPAP, had reflux, asthma, and more. Alicia’s struggled with reflux, blood pressure, and other problems as well. We met with Dr. Lange and Molly in March of 2022. I appreciated the open discussion and bedside manner of the whole team. I never felt like I was just another patient dropping off a copay. It was more like someone really understood that we were struggling, that we needed help, and that they were there to be that help. I decided that day I wanted to go through the process. A few days later Alicia said that we should do it together, for support, let alone that we both truly needed it.

Dr. Lange and team got us on the schedule the day after Thanksgiving after rearranging his own personal schedule to do so. Not only were we having the surgery, but together on the same day. Suddenly the gravity of what we were going through in just a couple of weeks hit me. 

The day of our surgery finally came around and we were both frightened in our own ways. We had some great support from family who were there, as well as Dr. Lange and team. Alicia even said on her operating table she asked if she was making the right choice. The crew reassured her, and we were both awake a few short hours later. 

Our journeys both went a bit sideways in separate ways from there. I do not tell anyone to scare them, rather to let them know that even if things do not go perfect, the team is always there. If we rewind to my actual surgery just a bit, there was a small issue where part of my intestine tore during the surgery. Nothing that Dr. Lange could not manage. I had a little longer watch time in the hospital, including some X-rays to make sure of proper flow through my intestines. I ended up staying an extra night out of caution. Regardless of the extra time needed, Alicia and I got our first steps together post-surgery the same day of our surgeries.

From then on we both have seen major life improvements over the months (almost a year now). We’ve both had various rates of weight loss. We have seen stalls, slows, and even quite a few seemingly strange gains. There have been a lot of battles with what to eat, drink, or how much to exercise but again, always worth it. We’ve both donated a ton of our larger clothing, we have been able to enjoy going to sporting events, taking flights, getting things done around our home, being more active with our friends and kids, and even just been able to hug each other or our kids tighter now that we can reach. I will never forget the day where our daughter hugged me and she said, “I can get my arms all the way around you now.” 

All of those wins came about thanks to a lot of losses in the scale over time obviously. We both started getting more activity quickly after our incisions were fully healed. We started with mostly short walks around our neighborhood about a mile, evolving eventually into walks around our town of a few miles. We also had a great support system in our friends and some family members. They have continued to be amazing for us. Even just having friends say things like “I didn’t even recognize you,” or “I’m proud of you.” is more support than you know.

Finally, before talking about the actual results, I thought I would mention medications and a few lingering things. On the positive side both of us no longer need blood pressure medicines. I went from 40mg of Lisinopril down to Zero, Alicia was only on 10mg but also is at Zero. We have lowered our dosage on reflux medicines. I no longer need my CPAP at night, and my back issues are significantly better (but will never go away). Alicia is still having some issues with hair loss, and while I am not losing any really, I am also not regrowing it in a few of the areas that I thought I would have by now. That all aside, I am happy to say I have not only made my goal but exceeded it. Alicia’s edging ever so close to her goal weight, and thanks to Dr. Lange and team is hopefully going to be right here with me soon. Between the two of us we have lost over 325 lbs.

I can tell you that if I had it all to do over again, I would gladly, struggles and all. I cannot thank enough people for this journey, and for continuing to be on it with us. Our friends and family are most definitely on that list. Last, but not least, our thanks go out to Dr. Lange, Molly, and the whole team at New You Surgical Weight Loss. Alicia and I may have been down this road many times before, but thanks to all the work this entire time by the team there this is already the longest and most sustainable success we have had. With two weeks left before our official surgery anniversary, I can say that struggles or not, regardless of the surgery you pick (or do not pick even), you cannot go wrong by talking to Dr. Lange and team. It is not about the number on the scale. It is about making yourself better. Sustained progress over time beats short term big wins every day.

Meet Rose

What led you to start your journey and make the first appointment with Dr. Lange’s office?
I accompanied a sister-friend to her appointment, and everyone was so nice and helpful. I had a previous weight loss surgery and was having issues with eating enough food and unable to lose any weight. This surgery was in 2016 by a different doctor/facility that is now out of business. Based off what I saw at my friend’s appointment I decided to make an appointment with Dr. Lange to see what was wrong with me and what my options would be.

Name one important thing you learned during your weight loss journey.
Everybody’s journey is unique and different, TRY not to compare yourself to others.

How did you overcome challenges you encountered during your weight loss journey?
I am still working on this however, since my surgery I try and keep pushing even when I’m tired and discouraged. Yes, there are times when I just don’t feel like working out and sometimes I don’t (smile). I am a work in PROGRESS!!     

What motivates you the most on your weight loss journey?
My motivation is to become healthier and stay alive to see my son continue to progress in life by raising his son, growing his business, and eventually getting married. I want to be able to see my grandson grow up and be able to support him at his football games. Getting off some of my medications and the ability to become more physical and enjoy life more. Meeting others on this journey has also motivated me to keep pushing through the hard days. Something about others in the same situation watching you that helps keep you going.

Any other comments that you would like to share?
I have been obese since I was a teenager and finally after many years of contemplating surgery I started my weight loss journey in 2012. Got the Lap Band and I was very successful and lost 100 pounds but then started having band issues and was revised to the sleeve in 2016. Proud to say that I have been able to maintain my 100-pound loss but regained the 50 I loss with the sleeve. Dr. Lange after running test discovered I had silent acid reflux and that is why I had to have the revision from the sleeve to gastric bypass.  I have been to quite a few doctors and one thing that matters the MOST to me is that they HEAR me, work with me and what I want to achieve, and knowing that I am important to them is comforting.

Dr. Lange took time to hear me out about my previous experience with another weight loss facility and he reassured me that I was in good hands and that he would take good care of me. I am almost 4 months post op, and I can say that Dr. Lange has kept his word and each time I see him he shows that he does care about ME as a person. Anyone can say they care but it is in the actions that speak the loudest and again I can say I feel that Dr. Lange and his staff care about me and my success. I feel like family and enjoy seeing and talking with everyone. We can do this together one day one step at a time!!