Live BETTER, not just longer! “Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.”…
Tag: Weight loss
Self-Love and Self-Care – Learn How to Be Your Own Best Friend!
When embarking on a health journey, there is a lot to think about and get into place. Once you’ve made a commitment to take better care…
Battling Bias: Overcoming the Stigma of Obesity
The subject of this blog entry is complicated yet important. So, just a warning, this is a little longer read, but we think it’s worth the time…
Be Healthy, Happy and SOCIAL in 2024!
After the holidays, a time of over-indulgence, over-stimulation, staying up late, and overall craziness (or maybe that’s just my family?!), many of us feel like…
Healing Obesity
Hello! I am Caroline Rowe, and I can’t tell you how honored I am to join Dr. Lange’s team at New You! For a little…